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e-Newsletter April 2008

It's officially British Summer Time, even if the weather doesn't know it.  It's also AGM time, and this year the BMC AGM will form part of the new Northumberland Climbing and Walking Festival.  Join us in Belford on the weekend of 18-20 April for some climbing, walking and socialising.

We've just launched the latest improvements to BMC Travel & Activity Insurance, so now you can take advantage of our new 'basic' policy option, special rate for couples, and online day picker.

Dave Turnbull,  BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
Suspension Bridge Buttress open for business
The BMC have been working hard on your behalf to solve the access issues at Suspension Bridge Buttress in the Avon Gorge.
BMC welcomes draft Marine Bill
The BMC welcomes the publication of the long awaited draft Marine Bill which has included several clauses on improving access to the English coast.
BMC AGM & Annual Dinner 2009
Want to have a say in the running of the BMC? Then make a date for the BMC AGM.
BMC leading ladder grand final 2008 report
Awesome walls Stockport was the venue; 29 March 2008 was the date; 32 competitors were the first ever Leading ladder finalists.
Competition countdown and new sponsors
Britain's premier lead climbing competition will be held over the weekend of 24-25 May and once again the British Lead Climbing Championships will be held at the Blackpool Towers, one of the nation’s best climbing walls.
Tech skills: Should I wear a helmet?
BMC Technical Officer Dan Middleton takes a look at the reasons not to wear a climbing helmet.
Bolts in South Wales: where, when and why
The South Wales Action Group (S.W.A.G.) have organised a gathering for your delight and delectation in mid April. The theme of the evening is bolts...their place in the region, their reason for being there in the first place and plans for the future.
Walk with Wainwright
Take a walk with A. Wainwright and one of his classic pictorial guides to the Lake District, recently revised by Chris Jesty. Now available to purchase from the BMC online shop.
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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