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e-Newsletter February 2009

Some good news and bad news this month; first the bad. The exceptional winter conditions have seen a number of tragic accidents. If you're heading into the mountains make sure you are well prepared for the conditions. The good news comes from Sport England, who have approved our funding application for 2009-13; this means that we will have more money to support clubs, competitions and mountain training in particular. Further details to follow next month.

In the BMC online shop you can take advantage of free postage on all orders over £1.00; just use the special voucher code newsletter2 at checkout - offer ends 31/03/09.

Latest BMC News
BMC AGM & Annual Dinner 2009
Want to have a say in the running of the BMC? Then make a date for the BMC AGM.
Recent accidents in Snowdonia and the Lakes
Following the recent fatalities in Snowdonia and the Lake District, the British Mountaineering Council has released the following statement.
Birdwatch alert
A number of seasonal climbing restrictions to protect nesting birds have now begun, and others will commence shortly.
New Year, New Climbing Walls!!
2009 heralds a load of new climbing walls opening up all across the UK.
Winter Essentials DVD
The Winter Essentials DVD shows the essential skills and techniques for winter mountaineering.
Free BMC Time to Listen training Sheffield
The BMC is providing free Time to Listen child protection training for Youth Officers of BMC affiliated clubs or BMC Area Youth Coordinators (AYCs).
Hill Walking Essentials DVD
You can now pick up a copy of the latest DVD in this popular series from our online shop.
Mountain Rescue
If you want to know more about Mountain Rescue then watch our short online film.
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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