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e-Newsletter March 2009

<p>It&rsquo;s been a good winter for climbing conditions, but I&rsquo;m sure many of you, like me, will be pleased to see British Summer Time springing forward at the end of this month, opening up opportunities for evening climbing sessions on the local crags and boulders.<br /> <br /> This month&rsquo;s newsletter includes: a report of the BMC International Winter Meet; details of our Sport England funding for 2009-12; and good news on the long-standing campaign to restore access to Vixen Tor.<br /> <br /> <strong>Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO</strong></p>

Latest BMC News
Footpath victory at Vixen Tor
The BMC is delighted at news that walkers and climbers could soon gain access to Vixen Tor - the well known Dartmoor landmark - thanks to a decision by Devon County Council.
BMC International Meet 2009 Report
The BMC International Meet was a huge success despite winter playing hide and seek for the week. One international guest, Lior from Israel, was heard to remark that the event was a 'masterpiece'.
BMC help safeguard Bonington archive
A project to preserve Sir Chris Bonington's archive and make it accessible to the public is underway thanks to funding from the BMC and the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).
Sports satisfaction survey
Ipsos MORI is carrying out a survey on behalf of Sport England to see what is important to sport participants and to gauge their satisfaction with the quality of the sporting experience.
Sport England funding success for BMC
In the midst of the current economic climate, there is good news for the BMC as Sport England has recently approved our funding application for 2009 - 2012.
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