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e-Newsletter August 2009

As an island nation, we do like to be beside the seaside. With the publication by Natural England of maps showing the current provision of access to the English coast, we can now see exactly where efforts will need to be focused to deliver on the provisions of the Marine & Coastal Access Bill.

In September, we’ll be heading to South Wales for the first ever BMC Gower Climbing Festival. The aim is to encourage first time visitors to the area, and showcase the excellent and accessible climbing on offer throughout the grades. It will be a sociable mix of climbing, walking and surfing, with some sunbathing and picnicing thrown in for good measure. Why not join us?

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
Poor access around our English coast
Natural England have published maps showing that almost 1000 miles of England’s coastline is either inaccessible or lacks secure access.
Clubs get cash boost
The BMC has allocated Sport England funding to a number of BMC affiliated clubs to help them develop websites and newsletters, buy new equipment, and provide training and instruction to enable them to welcome novices.
Take care around cows: warning for walkers
Each year there are reports of people who have been attacked, or even trampled to death, by cows whilst out walking or approaching crags. In 2014, BMC member Simon Coldrick was badly injured after a cow attacked him as he led a fell race on the edge of Sheffield.
Gower Climbing Festival 2012
The BMC's Gower Climbing Festival is an opportunity to experience what the Gower peninsula has to offer on its limestone cliffs and beautiful beaches. It takes place over the weekend of 14-16 September and is based at the excellent Pitton Cross campsite near Rhossili.
Free BMC Time to Listen training Sheffield
The BMC is providing free Time to Listen child protection training for Youth Officers of BMC affiliated clubs or BMC Area Youth Coordinators (AYCs).
Japan and Great Britain top first ascents table
In a recently prepared table, which lists the number of first ascents made by individual countries of peaks of more than 6,400m, Great Britain is second only to Japan.
BMC discounts - save money with your membership
With over 50 companies in the BMC member discount scheme it’s easy to save the price of membership (or more) by taking advantage of all the fantastic offers.
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M20 2BB
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