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e-Newsletter March 2010

We’ve just returned from a very successful WAG reception; nothing to do with the partners of premiership footballers, but actually an event enabling the mountaineering world to strengthen its relationship with the Welsh Assembly Government.

This month we’re running two surveys; the Climbing Wall Survey is online, the Membership Survey will be included with the Spring issue of Summit magazine. You can have your say and help us to improve our services by completing them. As a further incentive, we’ve got over £2,000 of prizes up for grabs.

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
BMC AGM voting rights
This article sets out the voting rights for BMC members at AGMs.
Mountaineering on political map in Wales
Key figures from mountaineering joined the Welsh Minister for Heritage and Assembly Members in Cardiff on 3 March to recognise the successes of Welsh mountaineering and to highlight the economic and health benefits it brings to Wales.
Coastal Access Approved by the Lords
As the debate on secondary legislation for the Coastal Access Act receives approval in the House of Lords, the BMC continues to lobby Government to ensure that the views of climbers, walkers and mountaineers are considered at the earliest stage of implementation.
Funding grants for BMC Clubs 2014
BMC affiliated clubs can apply for financial support to help develop communications, buy equipment and provide instructor support to members.
Gardom's chapter download
With a nod and a wink to understatement, the most eagerly-awaited guide yet from the BMC, From Froggatt to Hell and Back, is hobbling steadily towards completion. And just as a whiff of what's to come, here's a sample chapter to whet your appetite.
Bouldering Team at the Climbing Works
The British Bouldering Team had their first Team Training of 2010 when they met at Climbing Works in Sheffield on the 13th February 2010. The previous planned training session in January had to be cancelled due to the weather conditions.
Free BMC Time to Listen training Sheffield
The BMC is providing free Time to Listen child protection training for Youth Officers of BMC affiliated clubs or BMC Area Youth Coordinators (AYCs).
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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