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e-Newsletter April 2010

Access & Conservation – you tell us it’s the BMC’s most important area of work, and amongst you might be the next BMC Access & Conservation Officer. If you’re interested in the vacancy visit the BMC website

Facebook and Twitter – two more ways for us to communicate effectively with you. We now have our own Facebook page, and in just two weeks we’ve built up a base of more than 1,000 fans. Take a look and ‘become a fan’.

We look forward to seeing you at the BMC Climbing & Walking Festival & AGM later this month.
Happy Easter.

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
Llanymynech access problems
Recent developments, poor behaviour by some climbers and the rise in popularity of this excellent site have caused concerns for the owners of this Nature Reserve. Negotiations are underway to protect access to this nationally important climbing site, but some new restrictions could be imposed.
Funding grants for BMC Clubs 2014
BMC affiliated clubs can apply for financial support to help develop communications, buy equipment and provide instructor support to members.
BMC AGM Proxy Voting explained
We know that the majority of members don’t attend the AGM, but we would still like to encourage you to vote, which can be done by proxy.
New Dartmoor map now in stock
The latest map in the award-winning British Mountain Map series covers the wild granite landscape of Dartmoor.
Malaria and mountaineering
Spectacular landscapes, amazing climbs and virgin peaks … many of us travel far and wide for these unforgettable mountain experiences. Whilst most come back with a sun tan and some jealousy-inducing shots of high peaks in sunny climes, a few bring back something a lot more dangerous: malaria.
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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