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e-Newsletter August 2010

This month’s newsletter flags up two upcoming annual BMC winter events – the Leading Ladder and the Winter Lectures. But let’s hope we haven’t seen the last of the summer just yet.

Ever since the hosepipe ban was introduced in the North West of England last month, we seem to have had more than our fair share of rain. If you’re on your summer holiday, may the weather gods treat you kindly.

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
BMC supported expeditions in 2010
Due to a welcome increase in available funds, the BMC was able to award £18,700 to climbers involved in 17 expeditions planning first ascents in the World's mountain ranges.
Coastal Access Curbed
There has been much speculation over the past few weeks as to how Government cuts will affect the roll out of the new coastal access provisions around the coast of England.
BMC Technical Officer Dan on UKC
BMC Technical Officer Dan Middleton was live on the UKC Forums on Monday 9 August answering questions on all things gear related.
What's new in the BMC online shop - August
Check out the latest additions to the shop, as well as some special offers for the month of August.
First Climbing Wall Leader Award holders
Launched in March this year, the Climbing Wall Leader Award is moving along rapidly with two candidates recently gaining the award.
What is the Mountain Training Association?
The Mountain Training Association has produced a presentation to better inform potential and current award holders about their role.
Get ready for winter with BMC skills lectures old
Are you a would-be winter warrior? Don't miss the BMC winter skills lectures this November/December: the ideal way to get set for the season.
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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