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e-Newsletter August 2011

The amount of energy generated by wind turbines might be debatable, but what’s clear is that the location of proposed wind farm sites often fuels heated argument in the outdoor community. Our seminar in North Wales in September will examine the BMC’s position on this divisive topic.

We’ve restructured the BMC Access & Conservation Trust; in the coming months we’ll be letting you know how you can contribute to ACT’s work to protect your cliffs and mountains.

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO
Latest BMC News
BMC Youth Open Competition July 2011 report
The BMC Open Youth Competition was held at EICA Ratho on Saturday 30th July 2011.
Share YOUR views on wind farms
The BMC will be holding a meeting for climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers to discuss our current position on wind turbines in the uplands on Saturday 10th September at the Electric Mountain Visitor Centre, Llanberis.
MHT helps Keswick gain lottery grant
Keswick Museum and Art Gallery have successfully won a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, thanks to support from organisations including the Mountain Heritage Trust.
Windgather children and parents meet
BMC Area Youth Coordinator (AYC), Anne Chevalier organised an informal days climbing for parents and their children at Windgather Rocks near Kettleshulme, Whaley Bridge on Sunday 3rd July.
Jordan: new climbing developments
Tony Howard, Jordan climbing pioneer, gives a roundup of recent climbing and trekking developments in Jordan.
BMC submits views on future of forestry
The BMC has today submitted their views to the Independent Panel, set up to advise Government on the future of England’s forests and woods.
BMC Climbing Wall Essentials DVD
The BMC Climbing Wall Essentials DVD has all the information you need to start climbing indoors.
BMC ACT at Castle Garden Party
The BMC Access & Conservation Trust (ACT) is about to be relaunched, and you can find out more about ACT at the Castle Climbing Centre’s Annual Garden Party in London.
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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