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e-Newsletter September 2011

Last month British mountaineering lost two of its most notable elder statesmen, with the deaths of Alan Blackshaw and George Band.

George made the first ascent of the 8000m peak Kangchenjunga in 1955 with Joe Brown, whilst Alan wrote the seminal handbook of mountaineering in 1966. Their contribution to the mountaineering community spanned many decades and included stints as President of the BMC and the Alpine Club. They will be sadly missed and are a great loss to British mountaineering history.

Alan Blackshaw

George Band

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
BMC Leading Ladder 2012/2013
The BMC Leading Ladder is an excellent way to improve your climbing and a great way to get fit, and stay fit, during the winter.
Lords of the hills
Eight MPs and two Lords recently joined Chris Bonington on his favourite walk over Bannerdale and Blencathra in the Lake District to highlight the benefits of hill walking and to find out more about the BMC.
Ed Hamer podium in World Youth Championships
Ed Hamer has achieved a fantastic 2nd place in the final of the World Youth Championships in Imst, Austria.
Mowingword - Major Access Gains
Mowingword in South Pembrokeshire provides some superb sea-cliff climbing with a wide range of grades but until this year was subject to an annual seasonal restriction. As a result of a review by the Countryside Council for Wales, the National Trust and the BMC, all climbing restrictions on Mowingword have been permanently removed.
BMC Climate Change Project
The BMC Climate Change Project is funded by the BMC Access & Conservation Trust (ACT).
British first ascents in Kyrgyzstan
A four-member expedition from King’s College London Alumni Mountaineering Club, supported by the MEF, has made the first ascent of the fine snow pyramid, Fers III (5,210m) in the central part of the Western Kokshaal-too.
Volunteering for the BMC
Volunteering with the BMC is not always as straightforward as volunteering for other groups. We do not have things going on monthly or weekly…events tend to be as and when needed.
Want to get in touch?
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M20 2BB
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