Local Area Events: Yorkshire

Start time: 16:00

Raising Awareness of Relative Energy Deficiency in Climbing with Mina Leslie-Wujastyk

Is a BMC eventIs a Seminar event
Location of event
Awesome Walls Sheffield , Garter Street, Yorkshire, Sheffield, S4 7QX [View in google maps]
Type of event
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This BMC supported event aims to: Raise awareness around Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) by providing information about the signs and symptoms, risk factors, consequences and management. Provide resources to athletes and coaches to encourage a positive environment in which athletes of all ages and levels can flourish. Empower coaches and clubs to offer more support to athletes by creating an ongoing discussion around the intersection of health and performance.

More info and tickets here:


Expert guest speakers:

Dr Nicola Keay (Sports Medicine Endocrinologist)
Renee McGregor (Specialist Sports and Eating Disorder Dietitian)
Panel discussion and audience questions with Dr Keay, Renee McGregor, climber Mina Leslie-Wujastyk and Lattice coach Ollie Torr.

£6 TO ATTEND (£4 for BMC members)*
*Non-profit event, ticket fee to cover speaker costs.

Speaker bios:
Renee McGregor BSc (hons) PGDIP (DIET) PGCERT(sportsnutr) RD SENr

Renee is a leading Sports and Eating disorder specialist dietitian with 20 years experience working in clinical and performance nutrition, with Olympic (London, 2012), Paralympic (Rio, 2016) and Commonwealth (Queensland, 2018) teams. She works with individuals, athletes of all levels and ages, coaches and sports science teams to provide nutritional strategies to enhance sport performance, manage eating disorders and over training. She is presently working with a number of national governing bodies, including Scottish Gymnastics, Scottish Ballet and The GB 24 hour Running squad. She is the best-selling author of Training Food, Fast Fuel books and Orthorexia, When Healthy Eating Goes Bad. She is the co- founder of #TRAINBRAVE a campaign raising the awareness of eating disorders in sport and dance; providing resources and practical strategies to reduce the prevalence. In 2019 she collaborated with Dr. Nicky Keay and they have together opened the first Sports Endocrine nutrition clinic in the UK, looking at hormonal profiles in order to optimize health, training and sports performance. Renee is on the REDS advisory board for BASES (The British Association of Sport and Exercise Science) and sits on the International Task Force for Orthorexia.

Dr Nicola Keay BA, MB (Cantab), MB, BChir, MRCP

After studying medicine at Cambridge, Nicky was motivated to apply this understanding to sport & dance. As a Research Fellow at St Thomas’ Hospital she was part of the international medical team developing a test for growth hormone doping in athletes. With sport medicine grants, Nicky researched training effects on the Endocrine system which has resulted in research publications in Dance and Sports Endocrinology. Nicky recently wrote the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine educational website Health4Performance to raise awareness of RED-S. This year Nicky conducted study of male cyclists at risk of RED-S which resulted in 2 publications and a research award from BASEM. Currently working with Scottish ballet and current research investigating RED-S in dancers with further work planned in other sports.

Created by Emma Travers on 02/12/2019 15:50:12