Student Club Officers Handbook, Skills Resources

As a leader in a student club, you’re often looked to for advice by newer members, sometimes when you haven’t been climbing or walking for very long yourself.

Photo credit: Ben West

There’s a huge amount of information out there, on blogs, websites, YouTube etc.  Some of it is really good, but beware that sometimes information can get out of date, or just be based on one person’s opinion, so always make sure it’s from a reputable source.

The BMC produces a wealth of resources for hill and rock skills.  They’re great for improving your own abilities, but don’t forget they are great for sharing to your members, so they can explore new skills as they get into climbing.  There are a huge number of articles on the BMC website, many of which are pulled together on the pages below:

Rock Climbing:
Climbing walls:

If you prefer things visual, there are more than 200 videos in the skills section on BMC TV, covering everything from how to place a nut to navigation tips for winter walking.  There are also good films available from some of our partners – on YouTube there are useful films from Mountain Training, Plas y Brenin and Mountaineering Scotland.


The BMC also publishes handy guides for new hillwalkers, climbers and alpinists.  They summarise a huge range of info into one useful little booklet, great for novices that are just getting started and need some tips on how to get going.

New Hill Walkers

New Rock Climbers

New Alpinists


Don’t forget that as club members, you also get 10 % off a range of skills books and DVDs available in the BMC Shop!



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