Denham Quarry


User attention

NOTICE: Kestrels have been observed and are thought to be nesting at the wider right hand end of the mid-height break on Complete Streaker. The route between Concave Wall and Dry should be avoided until August. Whilst kestrels are not a schedule 1 protected species, they are in decline in the UK and climbers should take every care to avoid disturbing nesting birds and chicks.

from 10/05/2024 to 31/07/2024

Mostly good quality quarried gritstone. Can be sandy in places. Some fantastic routes equal to peak classics. Mohammed the Mad.... is unmissable at VS 4c as is Splash Arete at VDiff. Flick of the Wrist and End of Time are superb and tricky E2s. Generally the routes have a bold feel to them; protection can be sparse and the fixed gear is often poor. The quarry does not deserve the poor reputation it seems to have despite the steady influx of summer visitors. There is also some very good but limited bouldering.

Crag information
Climbing Area: North West Rock Type: Gritstone
Importance: Local CRoW Land: No
Ownership: Unknown No. of Routes: 108
Within National Park: No Year Developed:
Grid Reference: SD592227

Parking and Approach

No problems. Owned by Council which is happy to let climbers in.Watch for local kids chucking stones from the tops in summer.

Area information

Weather Information

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