BMC Specialist Committees
BMC committees are made up of volunteers with relevant skills, experience or expertise. They support the work of the BMC by contributing to strategic direction and offering their advice and knowledge on certain matters brought to the meetings for consideration. Committees have delegated authority from the Board and meet around four times a year, either online or face-to-face, to discuss key issues. The BMC currently has nine Specialist Committees, that support a range of work areas in the organisation.
Volunteer on a BMC Committee
If you have specific skills or knowledge which you think could benefit the work of one of the specialist committees and are interested in getting involved please keep an eye out for opportunities on Volunteero, our online app for all things BMC volunteering.
BMC Specialist Committees
Access Management Group
The Access Management Group support the access, conservation and environment work at the BMC, advice, support and guidance on issues of national and/or significant importance.
Clubs Committee
The Clubs Committee discusses matters relating to and of interest to clubs and facilitates the sharing of information between clubs. It also facilitates communication and consultation by the BMC with affiliated clubs on all matters relating to clubs.
EDI Committee
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee are responsible for the delivery and direction of the BMC EDI Strategy and Diversity Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). Delivering events, creating education and training resources, signposting to funding opportunities, and creating membership offers capable of empowering everyone to take part in our activities.
Hill Walking Group
The Hill Walking Group considers what the full offer for hill walking within the BMC should look like as well as looking to increase the number of hill goers who have an awareness and appreciation of what the BMC does for hill walkers. It responds to growing participation in hill walking by seeking ways to spread messages about safety and good conduct in the outdoors and looks at ways of improving equity and access to hill walking.
Huts Group
The Huts Group represents the BMC’s interest where it has a direct involvement in the operation of a hut. It also offers advice, guidance and support to BMC affiliated clubs on the running of club huts.
International Committee
The International Committee supports British mountaineers travelling overseas, formulates policies and advises on all aspects of mountaineering where there is an international dimension. It organises international climbing meets in the UK, and awards grants to British expeditions attempting adventurous and progressive mountaineering overseas
Land Management Group
The Land Management Group advises the BMC on legal, management and policy matters relating to land acquisition and management. It oversees the management of land in which the BMC has a freehold or leasehold interest, and other land where the BMC has land or access management responsibilities.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee supports the BMC in providing a wide range of advice and guidance on equipment for hillwalking, climbing and mountaineering. It works to ensure safety equipment standards meet the needs of UK participants by working with our international partners and manufacturers through the UIAA and CEN groups.
Training Youth and Walls Committee
The Training, Youth and Walls Committee oversees the running of the BMC’s training events, specialist training programme, and youth programme. It also supports the BMC’s involvement with climbing walls and the development of coaches and participants. The committee provides guidance, advice and support to those who climb, hill walk and mountaineer to help them become independent and make the transition from one aspect of the sport to another.