Expand your hill walking skills

Hill walking requires a range of skills, and no matter how experienced you are there’s always something more to learn. Whether you’re looking to develop a career outdoors or just want to build your confidence, it can be satisfying and fun to improve your existing skills and develop new ones.

Do I need a qualification?

You don't need a qualification to go hill walking. One of the great freedoms that mountain users cherish is the ability to enjoy themselves without the presence of regulation. If you’re walking in a group and informally sharing your skills and knowledge, there’s no requirement for anyone to hold a qualification. If you want to be paid to coach or instruct others, you must demonstrate your competence, and holding a relevant qualification is often the easiest way for leaders to do that.

What skills training is available?

For those with many years hill walking experience, skills training is an opportunity to refresh or perfect those skills, and build confidence and experience to take your walking to the next level. If you’re thinking of joining a training course, or you want to hone a particular skill, there are a variety of courses and providers across the country.

Winter skills courses

Professional qualifications with Mountain Training

BMC Club Member Training

Outdoor First Aid

Learn, lead and inspire in the hills


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