Mountaineering Learn Skills

Scrambling in winter: tips and tricks for efficiency

Scrambling in winter is a step up in every way: here are some tips from the pros for getting it right.

17 Jul
6 min read

Mountaineering Destinations

Six stunning British winter ridges

Now is the prime time to plan your winter adventures. To help you explore the British mountains over winter, we have chosen six stunning winter ridges to guarantee a grand day out.

17 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Skills

What is scrambling?

If you’re keen to make the transition from hill walker to scrambler, we set out the basics to get you started:

17 Jul
4 min read

Rock Climbing Skills

How to scramble: guides to popular scrambles around the UK

A series of guides to some of the most popular scrambles in England, Scotland and Wales.

17 Jul
2 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

Top five UK scrambles

Find out everything you need to know about making the leap from walking to scrambling, learn the essential skills and check out our top five UK scrambles.

17 Jul
5 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Sharp Edge

Take on one of the Lake District’s most famous Grade 1 scrambles with our guide to tackling Sharp Edge.

17 Jul
5 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Aonach Eagach

Glen Coe's Aonach Eagach ridge is the most legendary Grade 2 scramble in Scotland. Do you have the skills to take it on?

17 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble the Llech Ddu Spur

A stunning Grade 1 scramble in Eryri (Snowdonia) that most people have never even heard of? It sounds too good to be true - but the Llech Ddu Spur really does live up to its billing. Here’s what you need to know to take on this secret Carneddau classic.

17 Jul
4 min read

Rock Climbing Skills

How to move together when scrambling and climbing

Here's what you need to think about when moving together for scrambling and climbing

10 Jul
3 min read

Rock Climbing Skills

Protecting a scramble

Scrambling is sometimes described as the middle ground between walking and climbing - and for the higher grades in particular, you’ll need some basic climbing skills. Here's our guide to staying safe on the rock.

09 Jul
6 min read

Rock Destinations

Five of the UK's best scrambling destinations

Here are five of the best places to go for a weekend of nerve-testing scrambling.

09 Jul
5 min read

Hillwalking Skills

Four tips to fight your fear of heights when hill walking

Are you a hill walker wanting to tackle steeper terrain, but nervous about heights? Don’t panic – there are steps you can take to fight the fear.

09 Jul
5 min read

Rock Climbing Skills

Different types of climbing explained

What are the different types of climbing and mountaineering and what do they involve?

08 Jul
6 min read

Hillwalking Skills

How to stay safe on scrambles

The know-how, top tips and gear you'll need for scrambling safely.

04 Jul
8 min read

Hill Walking Articles

10 hillwalking films to inspire your next adventure

Having a duvet day or a quiet night in? We've got you covered. There's nothing better than a day in the hills - but we think planning a day in the hills comes in pretty close second. If you're looking for inspiration for your next on-foot adventure, check out our lineup of ten of the best mountaineering, hiking and hillwalking films from the BMC TV YouTube channel.

04 Jul
5 min read

Scrambling Skills

Scrambling: understanding grades and difficulty

Scrambling takes the joy of hiking to more thrilling levels. Scrambles can be difficult and serious. Here is some great insight to help you understand scrambling grades and the effort the require.

24 Jan
1 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble An Teallach

Fancy having a crack at mainland Britain’s most legendary Grade 3 ridge scramble? Here’s the lowdown on this classic route.

04 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Pinnacle Ridge

Mind-boggling views, thrilling exposure and an alpine feel make this Lake District classic the perfect introduction to grade 3 scrambling.

04 Jul
6 min read

Mountaineering Destinations

How to scramble the Cuillin Ridge

Skye’s Cuillin Ridge is the Holy Grail of British scrambling. Are you ready for the challenge?

03 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

Top six spicy scrambles in Britain

Short and sharp, or long and steep; there's no room for messing about here. You'll have to keep a cool head and a strong grip, as we bring you Britain’s top six spicy scrambles.

05 Jul
6 min read

Rock Destinations

How to scramble Jack's Rake

Jack’s Rake is a popular Grade 1 scramble in the Lake District – but it’s by no means an easy proposition. We look at the skills you’ll need to tackle this classic route.

05 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Skills

How to scramble Crib Goch

This thrilling Grade 1 scramble in Eryri (Snowdonia) is one of the country’s most popular ridges - so what does it take to tackle Crib Goch?

04 Jul
5 min read

Rock Destinations

How to scramble Tryfan's North Ridge

The most famous route up Tryfan is the North Ridge: a long and thrilling grade one scramble that makes a perfect introduction to the sport. We take a look at how to tackle it.

06 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Needle Ridge

Great Gable’s most famous ridge climb makes for an epic day out - particularly if you’re brave enough to tackle Napes Needle itself as part of the ascent…

05 Jul
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Striding Edge

Striding Edge is a classic Grade 1 scramble in the Lake District - and if you’re looking to make your first foray into scrambling territory then it’s the perfect place to start. Here, we take a look at the know-how you’ll need to tackle this epic mountain day.

07 Jul
4 min read


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