Training, courses and first aid courses discounts

To access discount codes and further information, please email or call 0161 445 6111 quoting your BMC membership number

Training Providers

15% discount with Peak Mountaineering

Use code PEAK10BMC when booking through website. For more info visit the website or call 01433620 283 and quote code BMC

10% discount with Alex Moran Mountaineering

Enjoy discounts on all UK-based courses (excluding private guiding) by using the code AMM10BMC at checkout. Visit the website for more details or reach out via email or phone at 07883 616561

10% discount with Pure Outdoor

Discounts on courses with code PURE10BMC (except NGB courses, overseas trips and private guiding). For more info visit the website or call 01433 695544

10% discount with More Than Mountains

10% off all courses. Please quote your BMC membership number when booking. For more info visit the website or call 07984 410230

Course Providers

15% off Hiking Highs Navigation Courses

15% off two day NNAS Navigation Courses with Hiking Highs in the Lakes with code BMC15

Bronze - Start at the very beginning

Silver - Head off trail & navigating in poor visibility

Gold - Building on existing skills and working in complex contour terrain

15% off Hiking Highs Nordic Walking for the Fells

Use code BMC15

Master the art of efficiency with four legs, giving huge benefits to moving through the mountains in terms of posture, confidence and balance. Additional propulsion up hill, protection of knees and hips downhill and a total body workout is the ultimate goal.

First Aid Providers

15% discount with Peak Mountaineering

Use code PEAK10BMC when booking through website. For more info visit the website or call 01433620 283 and quote code BMC

10% off with Hatt Adventures

Please quote BMC2016 when booking. For more information visit the website or call 01273 358 359

15% discount with Invenio Training

Please quote INV002 when booking.

15% discount on Level 3 16hr Hour Outdoor First Aid Course, Advanced 5 day ‘Beyond First Aid’ Course and Supporting Mental Health in Adventurous Settings. Based in Buckinghamshire. For more information please contact or visit their website.

BMC Membership Benefits

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