Annual General Meeting
The BMC holds an AGM for the purpose of presenting and adopting annual reports and accounts, appointing auditors and electing members of the Board of Directors.
Important AGM Information
Any Voting member of the BMC may submit a resolution to be considered at the AGM provided that the Voting Member:
- is aged 18 years or over at the date of the meeting (16.1.1.); and
- has paid any subscription fee due and payable to the Company (16.1.2.)
Albeit there is no explicit timeline to submit a resolution before the closing date, to allow the practical elements of the resolution proposition, we strongly recommend resolutions are submitted at least 14 days prior to the resolutions submission deadline to ensure members have the maximum time possible to support a resolution by completing the form.
Once the resolution has been received by the Governance and Compliance Manager, a webform will be set up, which sets out the resolution, provides a hyperlink to the more substantive document (if applicable), and allows members to give their support.
The deadline to submit and vote on a resolution is 45 days prior to the AGM.
More information on resolutions can be found in this AGM Resolutions document.
Note: The 2024 threshold for 0.5% member support of a resolution to be added to the agenda is 382 votes.
Once received, all the links for the resolutions for the next AGM will be added to this page
All upcoming vacancies will be listed on our website, along with information on how to apply and deadlines to do so. Certain roles will be voted upon as part of the AGM.
GO TO: BMC Vacancies
At a General Meeting and AGM, every Voting Member shall have one vote, to be cast by the Voting Member either personally or by proxy, provided that the Voting Member:
- is aged 18 years or over at the date of the meeting (16.1.1.); and
- has paid any subscription fee due and payable to the Company (16.1.2.)
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, Associate Members, Non-voting Individual Members and Affiliated Clubs (as entities) shall not be entitled to vote (16.2.)
Civica Election Services Limited (CES) will be administering all the voting, including proxy voting, for the AGM.
The voting emails will be sent out once registration has closed.
If a member can’t attend, they can still vote by appointing another person (proxy) to vote on their behalf, this can be a member or a non-member.
Further details on how to vote, including appointing a proxy, will be set out in the voting guide, which will be released before registration closes.
If a member has changed their email address since last year’s AGM, or hasn’t provided the BMC with an email address, please get in touch with – to tell us as soon as possible (two weeks ahead of registration deadline). This will assist us in ensuring we are able to send voting details.
Various documents will be added below in due course.
Below are the links to the minutes of recent BMC Annual General Meetings and notes of the National Open Forum sessions, which normally precede AGMs.
National Open Forum 2019 – not held
National Open Forum 2018 – not held
National Open Forum 2014 – not recorded
DOWNLOAD: BMC Articles of Association

Members Open Forum Webinar Series
As part of our ongoing commitment in creating new opportunities for members to keep up to date with BMC news and activities we are running a series of Members Open Forum webinars. There are two forums prior to the AGM. Find out more about how to register and the deadline for question submissions.