Map Discounts

To access discount codes and further information, please email or call 0161 445 6111 quoting your BMC membership number

While navigation apps and GPS devices are invaluable tools for outdoor adventures, it's important to balance them with traditional skills like map and compass navigation—especially for when technology lets you down. Apps can sometimes underestimate route times or lack detailed terrain info, leading to challenges that may not be obvious on-screen. Check out our hill walking skills playlist or book yourself on to a nav course to upskill yourself

OS Maps

Code: BMCOSM24

BMC members get 20% off an OS Maps subscription.

Head to to redeem the discount.

Komoot Free Region Bundle

BMC members can redeem a free region bundle worth £8.99 each. Komoot lets you find, plan and share adventures with it's easy route planner. Contact the BMC office for the code.

Free 60 day Strava subscription

Free 60 day Strava subscription worth £18.99 for BMC members. Contact the BMC Office on with your BMC membership number and request the code.

Free six month subscription to AllTrails

BMC members get a free six month subscription of the AllTrails app worth £17.94. Contact the BMC Office on with your BMC membership number and request the code.

20% discount on Harveys British Mountain Maps

Developed by Harvey Maps in conjunction with the BMC and the British Geological Survey, this award winning series of maps is based on original Harvey mapping using layer coloured contours to differentiate between mountains and valleys, enabling them to show clearly the information most needed by climbers, walkers and mountaineers. Printed on polyethylene, they are tough, lightweight and waterproof.

20% discount with Anquet

Save 20% on an annual subscription by entering the code BMC at the checkout. Get the full set of OS 1:25,000 Explorer and OS 1:50,000 Landranger maps in both Standard and High Definition for one low yearly fee.

20% discount on Grough Route

With Grough Route you can create, view, share and print your walking, running and cycling routes online with access to Ordnance Survey mapping of the whole of Britain. Visit the website for details of how to sign up and quote BMC followed by your BMC membership number.

BMC Membership Benefits

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