Range West Briefing Dates

Access Articles
07 Feb
2 min read

Castlemartin is on Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (PCNPA) land, and is a popular climbing destination. After one of the busiest years in climbing at the Ranges in Pembroke, the briefing dates have now been published for 2024.

  • All visitors to Range West must attend a robust access briefing before entering the area.
  • Do not enter the danger area when the range is in use, this is a danger to life. Learn more about accessing MOD training areas safely.
  • Changes to firing times and road closure can happen without notice. Please phone 01646 662367 from 8.15am for daily updates.
  • 2023 saw the the most attendees at Range West Briefings making it a busy year for the South Pembroke climbing scene.
  • The BMC asks climbers to continue to check for bird restrictions on the Regional Access Data Base (RAD) before climbing and to also assess the routes before hand. The nesting patterns of many bird species are increasingly unpredictable. If you notice a bird nesting without any specified restrictions, kindly report it to the local BMC access volunteer, Steve Quinton or the park authority.

Briefings will continue at Castlemartin base on the following dates:

  • Thursday 11th January 2024 at 18.00
  • Saturday 10th February 2024 at 09.00
  • Friday 29th March 2024 at 09.00
  • Thursday 11th April 2024 at 18.00
  • Saturday 25th May 2024 at 09.00
  • Thursday 6th June 2024 at 18.00
  • Saturday 13th July 2024 at 09.00

Additional Non-firing dates:

  • 16th December 2023 – 7th January 2024
  • 22nd March – 7th April 2024
  • August 2024

U18's will not be permitted onto the Range even with a adult or guardian. No pets will be permitted onto the Range either.

Please arrive in plenty of time to attend. Last year's Easter briefing was full and couldn't accommodate any more attendees.

READ: The Castlemartin firing notice

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