BMC Liftshare

The BMC Liftshare will help to reduce the number of cars on the road, reduce your own carbon footprint as well ease car park capacities at popular venues. Going to a Mountain Festival? Training course? Club meet? Leaving London for the weekend to head to the Great Outdoors? Consider using the BMC Liftshare site.

Why you should consider lift sharing

Help the environment

As climbers and hill walkers, we sure do love the outdoors. So let's have our actions reflect our passions too! By getting more into liftsharing and reducing the number of cars on the road, you will help reduce carbon emissions going into the atmosphere, improve air quality and ultimately do a little more on your part to engage in combatting the climate crisis.

Meet new people

Car sharing can be a great way to meet like-minded people. Whether you’re looking to car share to get to the crag, to get out to a National Park for a walk, get to a climbing competition or event, or just simply looking to improve the commute to work, this is a great way for you to get to know people.

Less traffic

Car sharing takes cars off the road, helping reduce air pollution and helping to reduce congestion (and therefore fewer traffic jams). With fewer cars on the road, there will also be less need for road expansions, parking spaces as well as less demand for gas and oil.

It’s good for your health

By car sharing and asking others to do the same, you are changing behaviours and are more likely to use other modes of sustainable, public transport and active forms of transport (cycling and walking). Perhaps you don’t own a car or have regular use of a car and would love to explore further afield? More opportunities to get active and get outdoors could open up to you…

Spending more time as a passenger could help reduce your stress levels. Having someone else in the car with you whilst you're driving (or being driven) can also make a journey seem shorter and is much more pleasant.


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