BMC North East Area

About the North East Area

The North East is a vibrant region for rock climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers and the sport is going from strength to strength with a rapid growth in the numbers taking part. From the main centres of population in Tyneside and Wearside the outdoor enthusiast is only an hour from the Cheviot Hills, two hours from the Lake District and an hour from the Cleveland Hills! The North East BMC meets four times annually; twice in the south of the region and twice in the north.

Upcoming North East area meetings

Area Meetings are run by volunteers and provide an opportunity for you to discuss issues and influence decisions affecting climbers and walkers locally and nationally, and to meet like-minded people and enjoy a sociable night out (or 'in' on Zoom).


North East area volunteer vacancies

Would you like to get more involved in the work of the BMC? If you are interested in one of the above volunteer opportunities please come along to the relevant Area Meeting and speak with the current Chair or Secretary. If you are unable to attend please email and ask to be put in contact with your local area.

Area volunteers undertake vital roles in the democratic structure of the BMC and the work we do on behalf of members and the wider climbing, hill walking and mountaineering community. Each area holds an AGM, at which elections for a range of volunteer roles are held, and outside of these meetings, members can be co-opted into roles.

Current volunteer roles available:

Area Chair

Access Rep (Northumberland and Newcastle)

Hill Walking Rep

Climbing Wall Rep

Your local area:

North East Chair: VACANT

North East Secretary: Jon Punshon

North East Members Council Reps: Jon Punshon and Jonathan White

FOLLOW: @BMC_NorthEast on Instagram

FOLLOW: BMC North East on Facebook

Minutes from previous meetings

What happens at BMC local area meetings?

Bolts; wind farms; footpath erosion; crag clean-ups; access issues; dry tooling. If you want to make your voice heard about local climbing and walking issues, then come along to your next BMC area meeting. Here's how you can keep up to date with area meeting information.

WATCH: Respect The Rock Northumberland


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