Newydd Ddechrau Dringo Creigiau?
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Ydych chi’n ddringwr creigiau profiadol?
Ehangwch eich sgiliau a'ch hyfforddiant

Cronfa Ddata Mynediad Rhanbarthol

Cronfa Ddata Mynediad Rhanbarthol y BMC - neu RAD fel y'i gelwir yn fwy bachog - yw'r ffynhonnell ddiffiniol o wybodaeth mynediad ar y we. O gyfyngiadau adar a chyngor parcio i ddulliau sensitif a chyngor ar ethics lleol, dyma'r lle i fynd i ddarganfod a allwch chi ddringo ar graig a sut i’w cyrraedd.


Dringo Creigiau

"This will help solve a difficult, long-term controversy" - new owners at Masson Lees Quarry, Derbyshire

The new owners of Masson Lees Quarry, Derbyshire, hope to resolve the long-term controversy over parking issues, and many more improvements, thanks to funding from the BMC's Access & Conservation Trust.

28 Chw
3 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Ger

Where can I re-use, repair or recycle my outdoor gear?

A list of retailers and organisations who can help you re-use, repair or recycle your old or unwanted clothing and outdoor kit.

21 Ion
3 min read

Rock Climbing Articles

Eight great first trad leads in the Lake District

Ready to have a go on the sharp end? We've put together a list of eight great choices for your first ever trad lead in the Lake District.

24 Rhag
8 min read


The BMC's Best Bits Of 2024

As 2024 comes to a close, we're reflecting on the year gone by, and what a year it's been!

18 Rhag
10 min read

Dringo Creigiau

Climbing ban lifted in Carn Gowla, Cornwall

A peregrine survey by boat with high-quality photography organised by local BMC Access Reps Iain Peters and James Mann has helped to identify peregrine nesting sites so that a blanket ban on climbing at the Cornish climbing site of Carn Cowla can be lifted. A temporary ban had been put in place by the National Trust covering the cliffs between Tubby Head and Bawden Cliff, including major route locations up to and beyond the America Buttress. The ban has now been lifted so all sections are open, with only crag- and area-specific restrictions in place when necessary.

04 Medi
3 min read

Rock Destinations

Five reasons why you need BMC Travel Insurance

Planning an adventure? Remember to pack BMC Travel Insurance. We’ve got your back: from bouldering in France to trekking in India, sport climbing in Kalymnos to new routes in the Himalaya. Here are five reasons why BMC Travel Insurance is built for the mountains.

27 Awst
2 min read

Dringo Creigiau

Unreasonable ban on climbing at Symonds Yat: climbers dismayed by ongoing climbing ban

A climbers’ meeting this week expressed their opposition to the continued ban on climbing at Symonds Yat, Herefordshire, imposed by Forestry England.

01 Awst
3 min read


28 stakes later: new belay anchors installed at Avon Gorge, Bristol

This weekend the BMC joined Avon Access Rep Ben Darby and his team of volunteers near Bristol to install 28 new belay stakes on Main Wall so that climbers no longer need to rely on the wobbly old iron fence as an anchor point. Vegetation was also cleared and a thorough litter pick was carried out.

23 Gor
4 min read

Cysylltwch â Chynrychiolydd Mynediad BMC

Yn meddwl tybed ble i roi gwybod am gwymp creigiog neu ddiweddariad nyth adar nad yw'n cael ei grybwyll ar RAD? Cysylltwch â'n cynrychiolwyr ardal leol.


Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

Lattice Training | How to: Train for Sport Climbing

Sport climbing blends strength, endurance, and technique, all while testing your mental focus. Training for it requires building the physical capacity and mental tools to endure the time on the wall required to clip the chains. 

30 Ion
5 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

Lattice Training | How to: Train for Bouldering

Bouldering can be delicate or dynamic - it is a great form of climbing for challenging your movement skills and ability to unlock climbing sequences, as well as your physical capabilities. 

23 Ion
11 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Ger

Where can I re-use, repair or recycle my outdoor gear?

A list of retailers and organisations who can help you re-use, repair or recycle your old or unwanted clothing and outdoor kit.

21 Ion
3 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

Lattice Training | How to: Train for Trad Climbing

Trad climbing is a unique challenge that tests your strength, endurance, technique, and mental resilience, making it deeply rewarding. British trad climbing is steeped in history, with a strong emphasis on ethics and the adventure of onsighting—starting from the ground with no prior experience or information.

15 Ion
11 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch

Bouldering outdoors for the first time 

Bouldering outside for the first time can range from being a wonderful experience to an off-putting sufferfest. By being prepared and properly equipped, you are more likely to have a brilliant time and become hooked as so many of us do. So, read on and watch the playlist before heading out to make the best of your trip. 

05 Tach
6 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to scramble: guides to popular scrambles around the UK

A series of guides to some of the most popular scrambles in England, Scotland and Wales.

17 Gor
2 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to move together when scrambling and climbing

Here's what you need to think about when moving together for scrambling and climbing

10 Gor
3 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

Climbing lingo: how to talk the talk

Do you know your gaston from your guppy, and can you spray about it while sandbagging your mate? Find out what it all means with our guide to climbing terminology.

10 Gor
5 min read

Mae aelodau BMC yn aros yn ein Cytiau Cenedlaethol


Rock Destinations

Six crags to kickstart your trip to Leonidio, Greece

Leonidio is a limestone sport climbing paradise in the Peloponnese region of mainland Greece. With a mixture of steep tufa climbs and intricately pocketed slabs, there's something for everyone and a grade range to match, but the sheer amount of rock in the region can leave you feeling flustered. Where to begin? Read on...

23 Rhag
6 min read

Rock Destinations

Ultimate winter climate destinations from Steve McClure

British climbing legend Steve McClure highlights his top five winter destinations for warm rock.

03 Hyd
10 min read

Rock Destinations

Where to break your sport grade barrier abroad

Dreaming of big numbers this year? We reveal six sizzling holiday rock destinations that will send your grade through the roof. Whether your sight is on 6b or you're aching for 8a, here are Steve McClure's top picks.

09 Medi
2 min read

Rock Destinations

Top 10 Via Ferratas in France, Italy and the UK

Think that you can't climb towers like these? Think again. Clip into our top ten via ferratas and reach heights that normal walks just can't reach.

05 Medi
4 min read

Rock Destinations

Five of the best adventurous multi-pitch sport crags in Europe

Thought sport climbing was all about tiny holds on short routes? Think again. Here we've got five top European venues to recommend you:

04 Gor
5 min read

Adroddiadau Ddigwyddiad a Methiannau Agos

Mae gan y BMC gronfa ddata i adrodd am ddigwyddiadau y bu bron yn ddamwain, a thrwy ychwanegu eich cyfrifon at y gronfa ddata byddwch yn helpu'r gymuned ehangach i ddysgu o'ch profiadau.

Gwyliau Ardal

Gwyliau Ardal

Ymunwch â llu o wyliau ardal tymhorol a dewch i gwrdd â'ch cymuned. Darganfyddwch beth sydd ar y gweill a beth sy'n dod yn y dyfodol agos.

Ardaloedd Lleol

Mae gan y BMC 10 ardal leol yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Darganfyddwch fwy a chymerwch ran.


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