Perfformiad Newyddion
The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) can today announce the climbers who have been named as part of the England National and Regional Squads for the 2025 season.
Perfformiad Newyddion
The international climbing season got underway this past weekend with the IFSC Boulder European Cup in Munich, Germany, with a strong showing from the eight athletes representing Great Britain.
Perfformiad Newyddion
The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) can today announce the climbers who have been named as part of the GB Climbing Team for the 2025 season.
Perfformiad Newyddion
The GB SkiMo team put on a determined display at the fourth ISMF World Cup of the 2024/25 season, held in Boí Taüll, Spain, on 1 - 2 February 2025. Known for its high-altitude terrain and consistent snow conditions, Boí Taüll provided a dramatic backdrop for intense competition against the world’s elite. With gutsy performances across individual and relay events, the British athletes demonstrated steady progress as they continue their climb toward the sport’s Olympic debut in 2026.
The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) can today announce the athletes selected for the GB Paraclimbing Team for the 2025 season. A total of 36 climbers have been chosen to represent Great Britain, competing across nine classifications. The athletes will be grouped into three squads - Podium, Progression, and Development - each reflecting different levels of experience and competition goals.
Dringo Dan Do Newyddion
The competition is heating up on Day 2 of the British Lead Championships as the semi-finals conclude at the Big Depot, Manchester.
Perfformiad Newyddion
The qualification round of the 2025 British Lead Championships concluded this evening, with Olympian Toby Roberts top of the Senior Men and a three-way tie at the top of the Senior Women.
Perfformiad Newyddion
This weekend (Saturday 8 February - Sunday 9 February), the country’s top Lead climbers will battle it out for the coveted title of British Champion.
Timau GB Climbing
Mae Tîm Dringo GB Climbing yn cynnwys y Tîm Hŷn, y Tîm Iau, y Tîm Dringo iâ, y Tîm Mynydda Sgïo a’r Tîm Paraddringo.
Mae’r adran hon o’r wefan wedi’i dylunio i’ch cefnogi gydag adnoddau defnyddiol a lawrlwythiadau sy’n berthnasol i’ch taith naill ai fel athletwr, hyfforddwr, neu riant.
Ynglŷn â GB Climbing
Mae Tîm Dringo GB Climbing yn cael ei redeg gan y BMC, ac mae'n cymryd gwaith caled gan athletwyr, hyfforddwyr, staff, gwirfoddolwyr, a rhieni i wneud y tîm yn llwyddiannus.
Polisïau dewis
Dogfennau meini prawf dethol ar gyfer timau Dringo GB Climbing a Llwybr Talent Lloegr.
Sgwadiau Cenedlaethol a Rhanbarthol GB Climbing
Mae system Sgwad Cenedlaethol a Rhanbarthol Lloegr yn cynnig rhaglen o weithgarwch ar gyfer athletwyr dethol o Gymru, Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon sy’n cefnogi’r athletwr i ddatblygu eu safonau perfformiad a’u harddulliau trwy feysydd allweddol technegol, tactegol, corfforol, seicolegol, maeth a ffordd o fyw, tra'n cynnal gwerthoedd craidd GB Climbing, sef Iechyd, Perfformiad a Pharch.
Mae gan bob athletwr yr hawl i gystadlu mewn chwaraeon gan wybod eu bod nhw, a'u cystadleuwyr, yn ddi-gyffur. Mae’r BMC yn credu mewn dringo sbort glân ac yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) a’n Ffederasiwn Rhyngwladol (IFSC) sicrhau bod uniondeb ein camp yn cael ei ddiogelu ac atal cyffuriau. Mae'r defnydd o gyffuriau sy'n gwella perfformiad ac ymddygiad dopio arall yn niweidio cyfreithlondeb chwaraeon yn ddifrifol ac yn tanseilio uniondeb athletwyr glân.
As a developing national team the GB Climbing Team is managed within a finite funding envelope and as such we are not able to provide support to athletes at all events throughout the season. We are grateful for the support of our partners which enables us to do more for our climbers at more events. Other ways the climbers and team can be supported is through individual donations, which we also receive.