Ydych chi newydd ddechrau cerdded bryniau?
Rydym yma i helpu
Ydych chi’n gerddwr bryniau profiadol?
Ehangwch eich sgiliau a'ch hyfforddiant


Cerdded Bryniau Newyddion

Top 5 walks & climbs around the newly repaired footpaths at Haytor Rocks, Dartmoor

With almost 2,000m of footpath around Haytor Rocks in Dartmoor newly repaired, thanks to BMC Access & Conservation Trust funding from the Mend Our Mountains campaign, here are our top 5 walks and climbs in the area.

18 Hyd
8 min read

Hill Walking Articles

Mental health, nutrition & exercise during menopause

Perimenopause and menopause mark a major transition in a woman’s life, not only affecting her reproductive system, but also potentially leading to noticeable changes in her mental and physical wellbeing. Women in their 40s and 50s may often experience sleep disturbances, mood swings, low mood and cognitive shifts, such as brain fog, often without realising that these symptoms are directly tied to hormonal fluctuations.

23 Hyd
7 min read


Gellid osgoi traean o'r sbwriel sydd ar yr Wyddfa gyda Chynllun Dychwelyd Ernes

Cafodd dros 800 o gynwysyddion diodydd eu tynnu o gopa uchaf Cymru y penwythnos diwethaf gan achosi ymgyrchwyr amgylcheddol i fynnu cyflwyno Cynllun Dychwelyd Ernes (CDE) ar frys ar gyfer poteli a chaniau.

15 Hyd
4 min read
30 Tach 2024

Hill Walking Events

BMC North West Area Hill Walk | Saturday 30th November

BMC members are invited to join a Social Hike in the High Peak delivered by Members of the Rucksack Club on Saturday 30th November 2024

Mynediad Dysgwch

5 things you didn’t know about hill walking’s most important plant

This unassuming, bright, green or red moss with lush, almost tentacle-like fronds is hiding five well-kept secrets.

04 Hyd
2 min read
04 Tach 2024

Hill Walking Events

BMC Peak Area Hill Walk | Monday 4th November

Join us on November 4th for a peer-led walk organized by BMC Peak Area volunteers, in the beautiful Peak District.

Mynediad Newyddion

The future of wild camping on Dartmoor: Supreme Court to decide on historic right 

On Tuesday 8 October, the Supreme Court will consider whether the right to wild camp on Dartmoor continues to be a cherished freedom. The case, brought by Alexander Darwall, owner of 4,000-acre estate in southern Dartmoor, challenges the notion that wild camping (or backpack camping) should be considered an open-air recreation in its own right. 

03 Hyd
8 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Newyddion

Meet your 2024 BMC Volunteer Award winners

The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) are delighted to announce the recipients of the 2024 BMC Volunteer Awards.

26 Medi
5 min read


Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to scramble: guides to popular scrambles around the UK

A series of guides to some of the most popular scrambles in England, Scotland and Wales.

17 Gor
2 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

Four tips to fight your fear of heights when hill walking

Are you a hill walker wanting to tackle steeper terrain, but nervous about heights? Don’t panic – there are steps you can take to fight the fear.

09 Gor
5 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

A guide to ice axes for winter walking and climbing

How to choose an ice axe for your next winter adventure

09 Gor
8 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to survive a whiteout on the hills

In this guide, we share tips to help you navigate your way back to safety in the event of a whiteout.

09 Gor
8 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to stay safe on scrambles

The know-how, top tips and gear you'll need for scrambling safely.

04 Gor
8 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to go hill walking at night

The mountains at night can be hazardous, but also wonderful. Here are a handful of helpful tips for exploring the dark side.

04 Gor
4 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to wild camp

Camping ‘wild’ is a different way of spending the night outdoors but it isn't allowed everywhere - with a responsible approach however, there are many remote areas where you can still rest your weary head under a star-filled sky.

04 Gor
6 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

Do I need crampons? Planning your winter walk

When should you use crampons? Our guide explains the 'when', 'where' and 'how' of deploying your spiky winter gear.

04 Gor
5 min read


Hillwalking Qualification Training

Providers & professional associations

Whether you want a career in the outdoors, or to improve your own personal skills, there are a number of training providers offering courses and instruction.

03 Gor
2 min read

Hillwalking Qualification Training

Mountain Training Winter Mountain Leader qualification

If you’d like to guide people up hills in winter conditions the Winter Mountain Leader qualification could be for you.

03 Gor
2 min read


Mountain Training Lowland Leader qualification

Take a look at the Lowland Leader scheme, so you can decide whether it’s the right qualification for you. 

03 Gor
3 min read

Hillwalking Qualification Training

Mountain Training Camping Leader qualification

Find out more about the Camping Leader qualification, so you can decide whether it’s right for you.

03 Gor
2 min read

Hillwalking Qualification Training

Mountain Training International Mountain Leader qualification

Fancy a life leading treks abroad? The International Mountain Leader may be the qualification for you

03 Gor
2 min read

Hillwalking Qualification Training

Mountain Training Hill & Moorland Leader qualification

Take a look at the Hill & Moorland Leader qualification, so you can decide whether it’s right for you.

03 Gor
1 min read


OutdoorHer is a resource for everyone who is looking to learn more about women's health and kit requirements in the outdoors, from participants to leaders and allies. Inspired by conversations with walkers, climbers and leaders about managing their periods, menopause and toileting when out in the wild, BMC and Mountain Training have created some simple ‘how-to’ guides that go through these topics and more.


Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Aonach Eagach

Glen Coe's Aonach Eagach ridge is the most legendary Grade 2 scramble in Scotland. Do you have the skills to take it on?

17 Gor
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

A beginner's guide to Wainwright bagging

It's no easy feat, but with a little advice, organisation, knowledge and determination, climbing the Wainwrights is doable for almost anyone. This beginner-friendly guide aims to teach you about the fells and how to plan for and complete them.

09 Gor
5 min read

Rock Destinations

Five of the UK's best scrambling destinations

Here are five of the best places to go for a weekend of nerve-testing scrambling.

09 Gor
5 min read


Britain's five most epic challenge walks

Here are a few of the most gruelling, exhausting, rewarding and brilliant challenge walks Britain has to offer.

04 Gor
10 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

Five of the best Munros for beginners

Sarah Stirling lists five of the easiest Munros for beginner hikers to bag!

04 Gor
6 min read


Everything you need to know about the Pennine Way

We've totted up a few fun facts and some trail trivia about this iconic route, including some surprising statistics that are guaranteed to earn you points at the next pub quiz. Read on for everything you need to know about this pioneering path...

04 Gor
8 min read

Cerdded Bryniau

Britain's five most haunted hills

Forget ghost stories and horror movies - a simple walk in the story-stuffed British wilds is the best way to get your skin crawling.

04 Gor
5 min read

Hillwalking Destinations


Dategla Sarah Stirling, sydd yn angerddol dros ddŵr oer, rai o'r droeon byr gorau yng Ngogledd Cymru sy'n mynd heibio man trochi ar y daith. Anghofiwch eich gofidion a darganfyddwch y manteision iechyd meddwl a chorfforol niferus sydd i'w cael ynllynnoedd oer Eryri!

09 Awst
5 min read

Into The Hills Guide

For those who are relatively or completely new to the activity of hill walking, Into The Hills highlights some essential skills you should learn and develop on your trips into the hills and mountains, and provides a reference base of resources for learning the required skills.

Adroddiadau Ddigwyddiad a Methiannau Agos

Mae gan y BMC gronfa ddata i adrodd am ddigwyddiadau y bu bron yn ddamwain, a thrwy ychwanegu eich cyfrifon at y gronfa ddata byddwch yn helpu'r gymuned ehangach i ddysgu o'ch profiadau.

Cyfleoedd Gwirfoddoli

Atgyweirio Llwybrau Troed

Plannu Sphagnum

Plannu Morwellt



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