The Climate Project
As climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers, we are all fully invested in the health of our outdoor spaces and aware that human-induced climate change and habitat destruction needs to be urgently addressed by all, from the individual to the corporation. Here at the BMC, we tirelessly lobby for the protection and preservation of the countryside and mountains that we love and respect.
As part of this ongoing action, we have established The Climate Project - a collection of nature-based solutions and sustainability advice, from the BMC's Access & Conservation Trust (ACT). There are resources to learn from, projects to donate to and events to volunteer for, all of which make a truly positive impact on our precious wild places, safeguarding them for future generations.
The Climate Project is also supported by Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock. You can also donate to The Climate Project here.
The Climate Project solutions
Sphagnum planting
Planting sphagnum moss in the Peak District with Moors for the Future helps:
- Avoid carbon loss
- Increase water quality
- Reduce wildfire risk
- Reduce flooding risk
- Protect endangered wildlife
- Increase biodiversity
Seagrass planting
Researching, planting and harvesting seagrass in North Wales with Seagrass Ocean Rescue helps:
- Capture carbon at a greater rate than tropical rainforest
- Purify seawater from pollutants
- Provide vital habitats for marine life
- Preserve endangered species
- Increase biodiversity
Crag clean ups & litter picks
Crag clean ups and litter picks by BMC volunteers helps to:
- Make climbing and hiking areas safer
- Restore the natural beauty of the landscape
- Remove single-use plastics from the environment
- Protect wildlife and ecosystems
- Foster good relationships with landowners and the general public
Sustainability check lists
BMC environmental sustainability checklists help to:
- Educate about the climate crisis and what we can do to help
- Help individuals reduce their personal carbon footprint and encourage action
- Help businesses and offices reduce their carbon emissions and hit net zero targets
- Plan events and meetings that have less impact on the climate crisis
BMC Community Liftshare
The BMC Community Liftshare site makes it easier to:
- Find a lift with fellow outdoor enthusiasts to share rides
- Share details of a lift you can offer to certain crags or mountains
- Reduce the number of vehicles on the road and therefore carbon emissions
- Reduce the cost of your travel
- Make new, likeminded friends
Glacier loss avoidance
BMC educational materials on glacier loss help to:
- Educate about glacier loss due to the climate crisis
- Educate on what we can do to help reduce glacier loss
- Help individuals and businesses reduce their carbon footprint
Volunteer for The Climate Project
The Climate Project Events
Come volunteer join us to help National Trust with conservation work on one of the Peak District’s high moor tops, above the Upper Derwent Valley. The work will consist of Sitka spruce (an invasive species) tree removal from Birchinlee Pasture (moor). This is a valuable opportunity to give something back to our treasured uplands and at the same time learn a little about moorland restoration too!
The Climate Project Events
Come and join BMC volunteers on Saturday 15th March 2025 at Wintour's Leap and Woodcroft Quarry for a litter pick and crag clean up.
The Climate Project Events
Join us for an invigorating day of environmental conservation at the beautiful Kinder Scout in the Peak District. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the preservation of our natural landscapes, meet like-minded nature enthusiasts, and enjoy the stunning scenery.
The Climate Project Events
Join us for an invigorating day of environmental conservation in Edale, in the Peak District. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the preservation of our natural landscapes, meet like-minded nature enthusiasts, and enjoy the stunning scenery.
Latest Climate Articles
Access News
Today, on the first ever World Day for Glaciers, 21 March 2025, we celebrate what the BMC is already doing and how you can support us in preserving these vast, frozen rivers that we mountaineers and climbers love to work and play on.
Mountaineering Articles
Why has a World Day for Glaciers been set up for the first time this year, combined with World Water Day, on 20-21 March 2025? Why should BMC members be concerned about global glacier loss and most importantly, what can we do to help?
Volunteering News
Colin Knowles, a life-long BMC activist, is now the Chair for the BMC’s South West Area. By contrast, for the previous six years, he was first IFSC Europe’s Secretary-General, then a founding member of its Sustainability Commission. Find out more about his life as a volunteer in this interview.
Climate Articles
How do you balance budget with a climate conscience when booking a winter trip? Making changes to the way we travel is one of the most effective ways of reducing emissions and giving the snow and ice a fighting chance.
Donate to The Climate Project
Donate to The Climate Project from the BMC's Access & Conservation Trust today to make a truly positive impact on wild places, safeguarding them for future generations
Leave a legacy
Leave a legacy donation to the BMC's Access & Conservation Trust (ACT) to help fund The Climate Project