Access and Conservation

Make a real difference

Our campaigns our fuelled by donations from members and organisations. All money donated to the Access and Conservation Trust - the BMC's registered charity - goes into facilitating conservation and education projects across England and Wales.


Climate Articles

Mend Our Mountains: lowering carbon emissions in Eryri with BMC Get Stuck In volunteers

The latest Get Stuck In party of a dozen BMC volunteers have been working with the National Trust to stop peat erosion, reduce carbon emissions and promote tree growth in Eryri (Snowdonia) National Park this June.

22 Gor
3 min read

Mynediad Newyddion

Cycling legend Chris Boardman CBE joins in the BMC's fight against the climate crisis

Yesterday, former Olympic gold medal-winning cyclist Chris Boardman CBE met with BMC staff in the Peak District to highlight projects that are successfully fighting the climate crisis.

17 Gor
4 min read

Mynediad Newyddion

Forgive us our trespasses

Proposals to make ordinary trespass a criminal offence have alarmed outdoor groups, including the BMC. Ahead of a debate in Parliament on the issue and the possibility of Government publishing the Police Powers and Protections Bill, Ed Douglas calls for the Government to think again.

09 Gor
8 min read

Mynediad Newyddion

Unauthorised encampments and trespass

There are concerns that government are considering moves to turn trespass from a civil offence to a criminal one. In a public consultation that is currently out for comment, it has been suggested that police powers could be strengthened to force people to move on from unauthorised encampments. The BMC is concerned however, that there could be unintentional consequences of the proposals around issues such as wild camping.

09 Gor
5 min read


Mynediad Dysgwch

Mend Our Mountains: meet ranger Liam from Fix the Fells

If you're a BMC member or if you have made a donation to the BMC Access & Conservation Trust (ACT), you are directly supporting our Mend Our Mountains campaign which is funding Fix the Fells again this year. Your contributions enable rangers like Liam Prior to consistently repair and manage the Lake District paths that we love to walk on. We caught up with Liam on the very popular path up Scafell Pike from Wasdale Head to find out what a typical day in his life is like - it's quite demanding!

01 Gor
8 min read

Mynediad Dysgwch

Winter mountaineering and environmental data collection

Robbie Blackhall-Miles, the Vascular Plants Officer for Wales at the wild plant and fungi conservation charity Plant Life, sat down with Tom Carrick, the BMC’s Welsh Access Officer, to discuss the significance of the BMC Winter Monitoring System.

09 Gor
6 min read

Mynediad Dysgwch

Access and climbing in Cheddar Gorge

Access to the south side of Cheddar Gorge is fragile and relies upon climbers following the agreements in place with the landowner.

08 Gor
7 min read

Rock Destinations

Where can I climb?

Climbers have a responsibility to understand the relevant access and conservation issues associated with the places we climb. Here are a few pointers to help you enjoy these areas sustainably.

08 Gor
3 min read



How our Olympic climbers are supporting the Paris 2024 ‘Ecolympics’

With four GB Climbing athletes heading across the channel for the Olympic boulder and lead competitions starting Monday 5 August, not only are they bringing their A-game in terms of performance but, as part of the BMC, the whole team is supporting Paris 2024 in its bid to be the ‘greenest ever Games’. 

31 Gor
8 min read

Climate Articles

Mend Our Mountains: lowering carbon emissions in Eryri with BMC Get Stuck In volunteers

The latest Get Stuck In party of a dozen BMC volunteers have been working with the National Trust to stop peat erosion, reduce carbon emissions and promote tree growth in Eryri (Snowdonia) National Park this June.

22 Gor
3 min read

Climate Articles

BMC among the first to sign Sport England’s 'Going for Green' Pledge

The BMC is one of the first organisations to sign Sport England’s Going for Green Pledge, an initiative spearheaded by their chair and former Olympic cycling champion Chris Boardman. The aim is to encourage the sport and physical activity sector to step up its work in tackling climate change, ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics.

08 Gor
4 min read


Your climate checklists

Want to know more about how you can reduce your own personal carbon footprint and lessen your impact on the environment? We’ve tried to make it simple for you by producing three separate checklists – for yourself, your workplace and for any events you might be arranging.

04 Gor
3 min read

Check out the full list of access and conservation volunteering opportunities, including footpath mending, sphagnum moss planting, invasive species eradication and seagrass planting days.



Trusts and Charities

Access and Conservation Trust

Land and Property Trust

Mountain Heritage Trust


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