Members Open Forum: December Update

12 Rhag
3 min read

The final BMC Open Forum webinar of 2024 took place yesterday evening (11 December 2024), hosted by Mary-Ann Ochota. CEO Paul Ratcliffe and President Dominic Oughton shared updates on new and ongoing initiatives, the current financial position, and an update from the Board and Members Council regarding the future of the BMC headquarters building.

Joining the forum were panellists John Wilmot (Interim Chair & Independent Director) and Laura Needham (incoming Head of Performance). The team reflected on the 80th anniversary of the organisation and expressed optimism for 2025, a year projected to bring stability and calm.

Update on BMC Headquarters

During the webinar, it was announced that the board and council are agreed on the desirability of moving to more suitable and cost-effective accommodation, and that they jointly authorise the executive to identify specific options for:

  • A new location
  • Maximising the value of the current asset through sale or lease

This decision comes after very careful consideration of the challenges and opportunities surrounding the current Burton Road office, which has become increasingly inefficient in terms of operating costs, energy usage, and ongoing maintenance. The building, purchased in the mid 90’s holds historical significance, but does not provide an inclusive and accessible environment for all, and significant investment would be required to retrofit the building to make it fit for purpose for the future.

Relocating headquarters will carry both risks and opportunities for the organisation and any plans for realising the value of the building and a future location will be carefully considered with both the BMC Board and Members Council to make the final decision.

Any value released from a potential sale of the building will not be used for the general operating expenses of the building and we will keep members informed on the process with regular updates.

For any immediate questions or concerns, please contact the BMC at

Finance and Membership Update

At the end of October this year, the BMC has achieved a surplus of £87.5K. By the end of the financial year on 31 March 2025, the surplus is predicted to reach £104K.

As of 1 December 2024, the BMC has 81,025 members, comprising 56,261 individual members and 24,754 club members. It is important to note that we are currently in the process of renewing student club memberships.


This was the best attended Open Forum yet with 115 participants over the course of the evening – thanks for joining us. If you missed it you can watch on catch-up.

Have Your Say: 2025 to 2030 BMC Strategy Consultation

Don't forget to have your say, as we seek input from our members, volunteers, clubs, staff, athletes, parents, stakeholders, partners, indoor walls, trusts, and the extended community of climbers, hill walkers, and mountaineers.


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