Off the Wall: CCPG Update | June 2024

Here is the summary of Competition Climbing Performance Group (CCPG) meeting on the 12th June.
Our Finance Staff are focussed on getting recharges out in a timely manner.
A lot of work has been undertaken to get on top of the budgets for this year. They will be stretched towards the latter half of the season post Games.
To ensure athletes can take opportunities and compete at as many comps as possible, consideration has been given to accrediting home coaches with the plan to introduce this at two upcoming Continental Youth Cups.
LA Planning Budgets have been submitted to UK Sport and Sport England based on the indicative budget figures provided in March. UK Sport and Sport England will inform all sports, including the BMC, about LA Cycle budgets. UK Sport is going through a challenging period itself with a reduction in its staff by one third.
Performance Advisory Group It is proposed that CCPG be renamed the Performance Advisory Group (PAG) which will have oversight of funded activities only. The rationale for the changes in representation in PAG is that this is a performance-focused group and should have a limited remit rather than a generalist representative makeup.
The bulk of discussion focused on the role and remit of the proposed group with further clarity being sought form the Board.
Selection Policy 2025 Selection documents are currently out for second round of consultation with the public. This is hoped to make the selection process easier next time around and to reduce the number of appeals.
Significant consultation has been undertaken with the community and this work currently feels very positive and will hopefully go a long way to ensuring alignment with the community.
IFSC update The age category change is significant and may warrant a wider discussion as it affects a large number of areas. Youth events in Europe are currently oversubscribed and have resulted in these changes. IFSC Europe are looking into separate opportunities for U15 athletes. There is still the question of whether IFSC Europe will align with the world level IFSC age categories.
Route Setting Commission The pathway for Aspirant route-setters to become National route-setters has been agreed. Competition allocation has been agreed there has been a challenge around the reduction in competitions.
GBC Head Route-setter has done some good work in terms of international exchanges and the route-setting commission will look to do more of that to mitigate the low number of national comps.
Head Route-setter has put together a comp setting basics course to try and standardise setting across the YCS regions and encourage grassroot competitions.
England Talent Update April Talent Camp in Scotland was successful with Climb Scotland collaboration. There is lots still going on with an international camp taking place in July / August and the team is planning out the rest of the year as well as 2025.
Ice, SkiMo and Paraclimbing We will be hosting another Ice Climbing event in 2025 off the back of the success of the event we hosted this year.
The Paraclimbing team will be attending the Innsbruck WC with a large delegation as well as the first European Championships in Villars towards the end of the season.
Freddie Naish, Interim Chair, CCPG