Mend Our Mountains: The South Downs

Chanctonbury Ring track repair

Chanctonbury Ring is an incredible prehistoric fort steeped in local folklore at the top of Chanctonbury Hill on the South Downs, West Sussex. Legend has it that if you run seven times round the Ring naked on a moonless night you summon the devil who will offer you a bowl of soup, milk or porridge. In reality, the only devilish thing is the track leading up to Chanctonbury Ring which has been badly eroded into deep ruts, making it difficult for people to access this historical site. This year Mend Our Mountain funding will go towards repairing 800m of track and drainage ditches using local chalk and flint in keeping with the character of the area.

The track leading up to Chanctonbury Ring is badly eroded. Photos: Tim Kahane

Chanctonbury Ring Footpath Repair

Make a real difference

Chanctonury Ring Project Updates

Mend Our Mountains Articles

BMC funds fix path to South Downs' most haunted spot - Chanctonbury Ring (plus 5 walks there!)

This December 800m of vital path repair works were completed at Chanctonbury Ring in West Sussex, one of the most prominent landmarks along the South Downs Way, and also one of the spookiest... Learn about the legends and try one of five walks there, if you dare.

30 Ion
2 min read

Our MOM Projects

Learn more about the other invaluable work that we are supporting across England and Wales. The BMC has raised over £1.4 million so far for the Mend Our Mountains Project. That's 50 miles of fragile footpath restored for future generations. 544 miles of upland repaired - the equivalent to over 67,000 double decker buses so far!

Mynediad & Chadwraeth

09 Hyd
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Mynediad & Chadwraeth

04 Gor
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Mynediad & Chadwraeth

04 Gor
4 min read

Mynediad & Chadwraeth

04 Gor
4 min read

Mynediad & Chadwraeth

04 Gor
4 min read

Mynediad & Chadwraeth

04 Gor
4 min read

Get Stuck In! Volunteer Days

'Get Stuck In!' volunteer events are a key part of repairing our footpaths, funded by Mend Our Mountains.

Here, you have an opportunity to get out on the hillside, learn new skills and meet like-minded people whilst making a real difference to our wild places. Take a look at the upcoming dates and get stuck in!


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