Climbing Wall Safety Resources

Indoor Climbing Articles
07 Tach
2 min read

Posters and tags are useful tools to help remind participants of the essential safety basics to follow when climbing indoors. We've produced a series of posters with the help of our partners which are free to download or available to buy ready printed from the BMC, and wooden wall tags with key safety messaging. 

Free Indoor Wall Safety Posters

The poster pack is free to download and is in PDF format with space to add your own logo before printing. Safety messaging covers the activities of bouldering, roped climbing and use of autobelays. These posters are made in collaboration with the BMC, ABC, Climb Scotland, GB Climbing, Mountain Training and Mountaineering Ireland. They're available in A4, A3 and A2 size with six different messages:

  • Brake hand low, don't let go
  • Check your partner
  • Climb down
  • Do not walk under other climbers
  • Double clip you've clipped in
  • Pay attention

Buy posters from the BMC

The posters in the series can also be purchased from the BMC. Each poster is in A3 format and is printed and laminated in a high-quality glossy finish.

BMC Wall Safety Tags

BMC Wall Safety Tags

Wooden wall tags are now available to buy from the BMC. Each tag has the message Holds May Spin on one side, on the other is either Check Your Partner or Are You Clipped In?

Shop for posters and tags

Watch the video playlist

Why not share the video playlist with the users of your wall? A reminder of good safety practice when bouldering, roped climbing and using autobelays can be found on the BMC Youtube channel.


WATCH: Be a better climber

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