Mynediad Dysgwch

Mend Our Mountains: meet ranger Liam from Fix the Fells

If you're a BMC member or if you have made a donation to the BMC Access & Conservation Trust (ACT), you are directly supporting our Mend Our Mountains campaign which is funding Fix the Fells again this year. Your contributions enable rangers like Liam Prior to consistently repair and manage the Lake District paths that we love to walk on. We caught up with Liam on the very popular path up Scafell Pike from Wasdale Head to find out what a typical day in his life is like - it's quite demanding!

01 Gor
8 min read

Hill Walking Articles

Into The Dales: hill walking guide

The BMC has collaborated with the Yorkshire Dales National Park to create a new hill walking guide called Into the Dales, designed to empower people from underrepresented groups to access green spaces.

29 Gor
2 min read

Cerdded Bryniau Dysgwch Sgiliau

What is scrambling?

If you’re keen to make the transition from hill walker to scrambler, we set out the basics to get you started:

17 Gor
4 min read

Dringo Creigiau Dysgwch Sgiliau

How to scramble: guides to popular scrambles around the UK

A series of guides to some of the most popular scrambles in England, Scotland and Wales.

17 Gor
2 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

Top five UK scrambles

Find out everything you need to know about making the leap from walking to scrambling, learn the essential skills and check out our top five UK scrambles.

17 Gor
5 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Sharp Edge

Take on one of the Lake District’s most famous Grade 1 scrambles with our guide to tackling Sharp Edge.

17 Gor
5 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

How to scramble Aonach Eagach

Glen Coe's Aonach Eagach ridge is the most legendary Grade 2 scramble in Scotland. Do you have the skills to take it on?

17 Gor
4 min read

Hillwalking Destinations

Sut i sgrialu crimog Llech Ddu

Sgrambl Gradd 1 syfrdanol yn Eryri (Eryri) nad yw'r rhan fwyaf o bobl erioed wedi clywed amdani? Mae'n swnio'n rhy dda i fod yn bosib - ond mae Crimog Llech Ddu yn rhagori ar ddisgwyliadau. Dyma beth sydd angen i chi ei wybod er mwyn profi’r clasur cyfrinachol hwn yn y Carneddau.

31 Gor
4 min read

Latest news

Cerdded Bryniau Newyddion

Lest we forget - 100th anniverary of the Great Gable plaque

Many people will have visited the summit of Great Gable in the Lake District and looked at the bronze plaque close to the summit commemorating FRCC members killed in World War One. This plaque was unveiled 100 years ago this year, on 8 June 1924, so this year, the FRCC held a commemorative meet with members staying at their huts in Wasdale, Borrowdale and Buttermere. This was attended by the BMC’s Hill Walking Rep Steve Charles and Lakes Area Rep Ron Kenyon, who sent this fascinating report of the day’s events and the history of the plaque.

04 Gor
6 min read


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