BMC Lakes Area Meeting

Come to our next gathering of Lakes climbers and walkers and get involved in the BMC.
The next BMC Lakes Area Meeting will be held on Thursday 1st May in person, at Penrith Leisure Centre, Southend Rd, Penrith CA11 8JH.
The BMC area meeting will start at 6.30pm.
There will be talks alongside the area meeting, speakers TBC
Doors open at 6pm.
What happens at BMC local area meetings?
Bolts; wind farms; footpath erosion; crag clean-ups; access issues; dry tooling. If you want to make your voice heard about local climbing and walking issues, then come along to your next BMC area meeting. Here's how you can keep up to date with area meeting information.
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Area Meetings are run by volunteers and provide an opportunity for you to discuss issues and influence decisions affecting climbers and walkers locally and nationally, and to meet like-minded people and enjoy a sociable night out (or 'in' on Zoom). Area Meetings also provide the platform for election to a range of volunteer roles within the BMC.
Mynediad Dysgwch
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Area Meetings
Area Meetings are run by volunteers and provide an opportunity for you to discuss issues and influence decisions affecting climbers and walkers locally and nationally, and to meet like-minded people and enjoy a sociable night out (or 'in' on Zoom). Area Meetings also provide the platform for election to a range of volunteer roles within the BMC.
Area Meetings
Area Meetings are run by volunteers and provide an opportunity for you to discuss issues and influence decisions affecting climbers and walkers locally and nationally, and to meet like-minded people and enjoy a sociable night out (or 'in' on Zoom). Area Meetings also provide the platform for election to a range of volunteer roles within the BMC.
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Come to our next gathering of Yorkshire climbers and walkers and get involved in the BMC. All are welcome. It will be held in person and online.
The best way to find out what happens at BMC area meetings is to go along to one. They are open to all, and you’re encouraged, and very welcome, to attend.
Indoor Climbing Articles
This page contains all the documentation that BMC Youth Climbing Series Coordinators (YCSCs) need for the BMC Youth Climbing Series